Updated Substate Bracket for 3-A hosted by Kingman High School
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
Substate Basketball!! Kingman High is a host to a 3-A Substate Basketball Tournament this week. First rounds are played at higher seed with semis and finals played at KHS. #GoEagles
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
Last week Mrs. Wood and her JAG (Jobs for America's Graduates) students spent time learning about EMS. We appreciate our local EMS for taking the time to teach us!
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
The Kingman High School Family and Consumer Science classes received $75 from the "Pork In The Schools" program. These funds were made available through the Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association, with funding coming from the Kansas Pork Association. One of the Culinary Arts classes used part of the funds to explore pork for breakfast and created a delicious breakfast buffet that included ham steak, bacon and breakfast sausage. #CTE #GOEAGLES
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
Congratulations to our district FCCLA winners Tori Tetrick and Justyce Henning. Their Star Event Project placed first in the district, which means they will move on to the state competition in April. They did a display and oral presentation, via zoom, over their Sock Monkey Service Project. Congratulations girls! #CTE #GOEAGLES
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
Girls day in the welding shop was a huge success! A special thank you to Mr. Birkenbaugh and PCC for bringing staff to help with this event!
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
USD 331 Kingman and Norwich will have a Snow Day & NOT have school tomorrow, Thursday February 17 due to the winter weather forecast of ice, snow & blizzard-like conditions. All school & athletic & activities are cancelled for Thursday. No practices or contests will be held on Thursday. Middle School wrestling is canceled. Remember Friday is a scheduled "no-school" day already. We will plan to play all games that were already scheduled for Friday. Kingman High travels to Wichita Independent Friday for basketball and Norwich hosts Fairfield for basketball. Again, there will be no practices on Thursday, no use of the gyms, no batting practice, etc.
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
Today the FCCLA club at KHS treated the staff to a home cooked breakfast! It was delicious. Thank you FCCLA! Fun fact--FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. #CTEmonth #GOEAGLES
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
As CTE month continues, be sure to check out this great event coming up for GIRLS ONLY!
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
Girls Welding Day
As we continue to highlight CTE in our district, check out this video clip from Good Day Kansas featuring KHS Culinary Arts student Tori Tetrick and her mom with their family business "Sweet T's Bakery and Pie Shop." It's no surprise that Tori is a student in our Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry courses. We are proud to see our students using their skills out in the community! https://www.ksn.com/gooddaykansas/sweet-ts-bakery-and-pie-shop/?fbclid=IwAR3-8tXzjxDsHMYK2i4P-4dLNvM79TTf3Fz7mDMiOjaU8y0pRFGixQ9te0w
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
KHS Scholar's Bowl team qualified for STATE by taking 3rd place at the 3A Regional competition. The top 12 teams will travel to SE Saline on Saturday, Feb 12th for a chance at the 3A state championship.
about 3 years ago, Rollie VanWyhe
Scholars Bowl
CTE Spotlight–FBLA Last week approximately 400 students from 16 area schools came to Kingman High School to participate in the FBLA District V Conference. FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. This club is part of our CTE program and is tied to our Business pathways. Throughout the day students competed in over 60 different events designed to prepare them for the world of business. This year, junior Anniston Henning served as the District V Vice President. Currently, we have three members of our organization serving at the state level. Izabelle Youngers is the State President, Sukesh Kamesh is the State Secretary and Anniston Henning is the District V Vice President. Out of the 12 FBLA State Officers, three of them come from Kingman High School. Norah Youngers was elected District V Vice President at the District Conference. There are currently over 100 members involved in FBLA at Kingman High School. Throughout the year, the members have the opportunity to participate in many events, such as the Kick-Off Party, selling Red Wheel items, collecting cans for the local food bank at their Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods event, the annual Christmas party, FBLA Week, Teacher Appreciation Day, March of Dimes collection, and the annual Recognition Dinner. In addition to these events, students compete at the District, State and National levels.
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
State Officers Sukesh Kamesh, Izabelle Youngers, Norah Youngers and Anniston Henning
Due to icy road conditions, drifting snow in country & extremely low temperatures USD 331 Kingman-Norwich is cancelling school for Friday, February 4. Activities for Friday evening will continue as scheduled.
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
3A Regional Scholars Bowl (hosted by Kingman High School) has been rescheduled to Monday, February 7th. 4pm start time.
about 3 years ago, Rollie VanWyhe
SNOW DAY!! No School in USD 331 Schools Tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb 2) due to impending snow storm. This means No School at Kingman & Norwich Schools. All Activities & Athletic events & Practices are canceled for Wednesday.
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
February 10 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, KMHS will host an open house in collaboration with Pratt Community College to showcase our Automotive and Welding programs at Kingman High School. Any interested students, parents, and patrons are welcome to attend!
about 3 years ago, Andy Albright
We were honored to host Berry Tractor today as they visited with our students about potential sponsorships for post-high school education and future employment opportunities!
about 3 years ago, Amy Wallace
Students thinking about their future possibilities.
Recruiting team from Berry Tractor, Wichita.
about 3 years ago, Max Clark
KMHS is pleased to host the District FBLA competition on Wednesday, January 26. It will require the use of all classrooms during the day. Therefore, there will not be school for Kingman Middle & High School students on January 26. Kingman elementary will have school as normal.
about 3 years ago, Andy Albright
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. Qualified households can receive Internet service discounts of up to $30/month. https://acpbenefit.org/
about 3 years ago, Dennis Albright
Affordable Connectivity Program