Kansas Department of Ed. & Kansas Board of Regents
*COVID: Each college has an application process that allows entrance without ACT scores. Contact each school for details.

This is a powerful website with a lot of information. Using the search is most helpful in looking for specific information.

This online tool identifies all institutions, degree titles and allows you to search for keywords that generates a complete list of all the options in Kansas for that area of study. Users can then generate a comparison chart that shows information on items like Resident Tuition, Fees, Room and Board, Books and Supplies and more. Each of the institutions will also display an estimated cost for 4 years with the wage and employment information for that area.

This page is a good link to find out about what classes transfer from one college to the next. Much of that information is a link to the schools' website. Remember: If you want to know if a class will transfer, check the school you are wanting the course to transfer to, not the school you are pulling the class from.

Qualified admissions has changed for all 6 Regent schools. Please click the link to the left for details.

Please read this link carefully. Entrance requirements are a bit different than other regent colleges. Some of K.U.'s departments also have differing requirements to enter into their programs/degrees.

This link will tell you if classes you have taken at other institutions will transfer to KSU and how they will transfer. If you know you want to end up at KSU and want to make sure classes you are taking now will transfer correctly, this is a good place to start prior to enrolling somewhere else.