Wichita Area Technical College

Kingman High School is starting a new idea of course work for students in good standing during their Junior or Senior year. If Wichita Area Technical College has a program that a high school student wants to get into, while still in high school, we are looking at how to make that happen on an individual basis. Because WATC’s courses are so diverse, we are willing to work with the high school student to provide the necessary required courses at the high school level, in a manner that fits the student and the program they want to attend. This may mean, some of the high school curriculum may come through one of our online curriculum packages, such as Edgnuity.
Students and Parents must attend a meeting at WATC regarding the programs the student is interested in. They need to fill out the appropriate paperwork with WATC and enroll the student in the program. Once the student is enrolled, a copy of the schedule needs to be given to the high school counselor so that the high school plan can be created. This may require a meeting at the high school with the parent and student in order to adjust the Individual Plan of Study and work on the courses that will be taken at the high school level. Parents and students must sign the following Kingman High School forms for attending off-campus:
After the student has completed WATC courses, a copy of grades need to be given to the high school counselor to ensure credits are being added to the high school transcript.