Pratt Community College

Pratt Community College allows high school students to enroll in college classes through a program called College Start. This program has a separate application process for high school students, but enrollment is much like regular college students. Pratt Community College offers reduced tuition rates for its high school students. Other fees may apply.
Kingman High School uses Pratt Community College for the Composition I & II classes, Microsoft Applications (CTE), Marketing (Marketing Communications – CTE), and Web Page Design. Pratt Community College also has various on-line classes that students utilize as well. Students wanting to take these courses must have a Pratt Community College account created and enroll in the courses through the account. Please follow the steps below for the appropriate stage of enrollment.
Getting Started:
Parents and Students need to read the College Start Program Information packet
Students need to fill out the College Start Application at: It’s located on the list just to the right of the information on the page.
The student will receive emails containing username and password. The student must then follow the instructions and log into their account.
The Student must communicate with the high school counselor of their intent to take a class and which class(es) they are going to take. This ensures that the course is worked into the high school schedule and that high school credit will be given for the course(s).
Parents need to sign the Parent Permission Form found in the Parent and Student Information Packet. Turn this into the high school counselor. The counselor will submit them to Pratt Community College.
Steps to Enrolling in a course:
Follow the guidelines in the document to enroll in classes. Students will use the same procedure to enroll in classes that are taught by Kingman High School instructors.
College Start Enrollment InstructionsOnce students have picked their classes in the Self-Service account they will not be able to drop a class in that account. If they change their mind about taking a class, they must come to see the high school counselor and get a Pratt Community College Drop form. This form will need to be signed by the parent and student, give it back to the high school counselor for submission.
Pay for the course through the Self-Service account, at the Finance tab.
Steps to changing Self-Service password:
This process can be lengthy, but it is worth it in the long run. If students do not do this process, and they forget what their password is, then they must call Pratt Community College’s technical support during business hours to get the password reset. If they walk through the steps, then they can request to change their password at any time.
Follow the instructions in this document to enroll in Pratt Community Colleges security system, so you are able to change your password at any time.
Parents: It would be good for you to get your students' information from them so that you can help get payments done in a timely manner. Pratt Community College wants payments to happen through the Self-Service accounts. If you absolutely can not do that, then please call the Business office at 620-450-2143. You may need to have your students' ID number ready to give them.
Student & Parents: The entrance requirements for Composition I is an ACT score of 18 in the English portion of an Accuplacer score of 69 in the English test.
Pratt Community College has an Earn as You Learn Scholarship. This program is an incentive program to help lower tuition costs once the student has graduated from high school. There are further requirements, such as the student must attend Pratt Community College classes on one of their campuses. To find out more details regarding this program refer to the Parent and Student Information packet located above in the 1st step of the “Getting Started” section.