Parents/Guardians please check your email for a message about a survey we plan to give to students. This survey will help us look at the social and emotional well-being of our students. We will use the information from this survey to design programs that better address any student needs that we find. Please check your email and follow the quick and easy steps to give us consent to include your child. Thank you!

Winter Music Concert - Monday, December 12 at KMHS!
Program begins at 7:30. Students please report to the following rooms by 7:00:
MS and HS band members to the band room.
MS Choir members to Mrs. Clover's room.
HS Choir/Madrigals members to the Choir room.
Following is the schedule: 1. MS Band~ 2. HS Band ~ Intermission for stage reset ~ 3. MS Choir ~ 4. HS Choir ~ 5. Madrigals.
Students do not need to wear specific colors or clothing. Please have them wear the nicest clothes they have.
If you have any questions about the concert, please email Mr. Avila at ravila@knusd331.com

2A State Football Tickets are on sale. Kingman vs. Nemaha Central. $10 online or at the gate. Utilize this link to purchase your tickets now. https://gofan.co/app/events/739917?schoolId=KSHSAA

Sub-State Football Tickets - Skip the ticket line (gate) and purchase your commemorative tickets in advance. We will have tickets available at the community pep rally this evening and at the MS basketball games Thursday evening. Tickets can be purchased at KMHS, KES and the district office. Commemorative ticket prices are $8 for adults and $6 for students.

Skip the ticket line (gate) and purchase your commemorative tickets in advance. I will have tickets available to purchase at the MS basketball games (KES) this evening and Thursday evening. We will have tickets available at the community pep rally Wednesday evening. Tickets can be purchased at KMHS, KES and the district office. Commemorative ticket prices are $8 for adults and $6 for students.

2A Sub-State Football - Kingman vs. SE Saline - Friday, Nov 18
Citizens Bank of Kansas will pay for the students admission into the game on Friday. (7th grade - 12th grade) Thank you Citizens Bank of Kansas!!!

22nd Annual Veterans Day Assembly at Kingman High School Gymnasium on Friday, November 11, 2022. Assembly will start at 9:30am.

Our kids would love your support on Saturday for the all-school play!

Citizens Bank of Kansas will pay the admission for all KMS and KHS students to attend the football game on Friday vs. Ellsworth. Pack the stands for the Kingman Eagles! Thank you Citizens Bank of Kansas.

KHS All-School Play - Saturday, November 5th - 7pm. Admission is $5

Tomorrow is retake picture day at Kingman Middle High School!

USD 331 is seeking applicants to fill district Grounds-keeping and Maintenance needs. Interested persons should apply online at www.knusd331.com click on "Employment" at top of page. USD 331 is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages all applications.

CORRECTION on MS Girls Basketball start date.
KMS Girls Basketball practice will start WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 immediately after school. Practice will be held at KES. The girls will be dismissed at 3:17pm to be bused to the elementary school. Please contact Coach Sarah Mack for more information. smack@knusd331.com or sarahnmack13@gmail.com

Kingman Middle School fall sports are quickly ending which means basketball season is upon us.
KMS Girls Basketball practice will start Tuesday, October 18th immediately after school. Practice will be held at KES. The girls will be dismissed at 3:17pm to be bused to the elementary school. Please contact Coach Sarah Mack for more information. smack@knusd331.com or sarahnmack13@gmail.com
Boys Basketball practice will start Wednesday, October 19th. Practice will take place in the old gym at KMHS. Please contact Coach Steve Bangert for more information. steve.bangert@knusd331.com
Reminder, sport physicals must be completed and paperwork submitted to the the KMHS office before you can practice. This would pertain to anyone who did not play a fall sport.

The senior class of 2023 photo is available for purchase. Cost is $15.00. If you order this week you will receive free shipping. Follow the instructions on the image below or stop by the office to pick up the order form.

Register for the FCCLA Family Fun Run/Walk which takes place at KMHS on Oct. 8. Registration deadline is Sept. 25, if you want a t-shirt. We will have games for kids, or register them to walk with you. You can register online at this https://forms.gle/jwCT5yuMZdsRtXsY8.

Busy day at KMHS Friday, Sept 16!! Homecoming Parade starts at 2:30pm. Booster Club Tailgate Party starts at 6pm. Homecoming Crowning at 6:30pm. Football vs. W. Trinity at 7pm. 2022 KHS Hall of Fame ceremony at halftime!!

Homecoming Parade Update - The Homecoming Parade will leave the school around 2:30pm. The parade will conclude at the corner of Main St/Sherman and then swing back around for the community pep rally at Citizens Bank parking lot. Approximately 3pm. HIGHWAY TO THE END ZONE!!

This is a reminder that picture day is tomorrow! Seniors will also be taking their class picture during this time. Extra picture packets are available in the office.

Reminder, KMHS Picture Day is Wednesday, September 7th! All students are receiving a picture packet today. Utilize the website and code to order your pictures.