Bylaws of the Norwich School Hall of Fame
PURPOSE The purpose of the Hall of Fame is threefold. First, to recognize and honor outstanding individuals who have brought fame and honor to the Norwich School. Second, to establish in the hearts of our youth a motivating influence to excel. Third, to foster pride, preserve good sportsmanship, scholarship, and citizenship in our school, city, and community.
ARTICLE I BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED. Initially, members to the Norwich Hall of Fame Board of Directors will be 1) appointed by the current Norwich Site Council Members; 2) The Norwich Principal and Activities Director will be on the board as non-voting members.
ARTICLE II BOARD MEMBERS SELECTED. The Board of Directors shall consist of the members indicated in ARTICLE I and seven (7) members from the community at large. The prospective members shall be a resident of the Norwich area and a graduate of Norwich High School. He/she shall receive the majority vote of the active members of the board. The seven (7) voting board members shall select the slate of candidates for the election to the Hall of Fame Board.
ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office shall be three (3) years. A board member may not be selected for the board of directors for consecutive terms. There must be one year between terms. Following the 2015 Hall of Fame Board elections, one board member will rotate off. Thereafter, two (2) board members will rotate off each year. The board is responsible for appointing replacement members in the event of a member leaving. Appointed replacement board members will complete the elected member’s term.
ARTICLE IV NOMINATION AND ENTRY. The first year the Hall of Fame Board will nominate seven (7) nominees and induct five (5), inductees. Thereafter, anyone connected with Norwich School, past or present, may nominate a person for the Hall of Fame. Nominations for the preceding school year shall be in by May 1st. Nominations received will be evaluated by the Board of Directors, Norwich School Principal or the Activities Director. The nominations will be screened down to a maximum of twelve (12) nominees. If a nominee from the previous year received a least two (2) votes, they will automatically be nominated for the next year. Entry to the Hall of Fame shall require four (4) votes from the Board of Directors. Nominees will be removed from the ballot after five (5) years and must be re-nominated to return to the ballot. There will be a maximum of five (5) inductees each year. Each board member may vote for a maximum of five (5) nominees. A board member may vote absentee providing their ballot has been received by the Norwich Principal or Activities Director at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
ARTICLE V CRITERIA FOR SELECTION. The nominee must, during and following his/her Norwich School career, have exemplified the pride and spirit of Norwich School. The nominee, if a past Norwich student, must be a Norwich graduate and out of school for at least ten (10) years. If a Norwich staff member must have worked at Norwich School for at least five (5) years and is not currently employed by the district.
ARTICLE VI AMENDING THE BY-LAWS. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.