Norwich School Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Comprehensive school counseling programs following the American School Counselors Association model have four parts: a foundation upon which everything else rests, management plans, delivery of services, and measures of accountability. Each of these four components is outlined below and apply to Norwich School.
What Does Mrs. Loveland Do?

Mission Statement: We will provide all learners an equal opportunity to prepare for the challenges of the future.
Focus: To provide a framework that integrates social-emotional learning with character developments so that students will learn, practice and model essential personal life habits that contribute to academic, vocational and personal success. Students will be encouraged to be caring and civil, to make healthy decisions, to problem solve effectively, to value excellence, to be respectful and responsible, to be good citizens and to be empathic and ethical individuals.
Student Competencies: Social, Emotional, and Character Development Standards
Professional Competencies: Professional and Ethical Standards
ASCA Guiding Document: Role of the Professional School Counselor
Annual administrative agreement
Outlines goals for the school counseling program
Data is used to guide the annual goals of the school counseling program
Determines if 80% of the day will be spent in direct and indirect services for students
Site council acts as an advisory council for Safe and Supportive Schools
Goal: 80% or more of the school counselor's day will be spent providing direct and indirect services to students. Direct services include classroom guidance, individual and small group counseling, and response to unexpected needs and crises. Indirect services include gathering data for individuals and small groups (observations, etc.), referrals for additional assistance, as well as collaboration and consultation with parents, teachers, administrators, and community organizations.
PK-8: Coordination and delivery of Second Step character education program, academic support, behavior support, college, and career planning
9-12: Coordination of Lions Quest community service program, academic support, behavior support, college, and career planning
How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?
School data and counseling program data will be analyzed to answer this question. Data will include, but not be limited to standardized measures, grades, attendance, behavior, and school counseling surveys, and assessments. This data will guide future action for the school counseling program.