Girls On The Run program registration is open today, Monday, August 17. Practice will begin Monday, September 14 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. Practices will be held on Monday and Wednesdays. The link is:
I just wanted to remind everyone that enrollment is open and we are looking forward to a great 20-21 school year. To enroll you can go to our school website or log in to your Skyward Account. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. # Go Eagles!
Reminder that USD 331 resumes feeding kids TODAY! Pick meals up between 11:30 -12:30 at KES (parking lot side) or Norwich (west door). Process is same as Summer Food program except Friday’s lunch will be picked up ON FRIDAY. #GoEagles!
USD 331 Kingman-Norwich is accepting applications for Housekeeping/Custodians, Cook at KES, Substitute Bus Drivers; Temporary Health Aides. Assignments available in Kingman & Norwich schools. Application is online at this link:
USD 331 Board of Education endorses mandatory masks for all teachers, staff and students at school. Safety of our students & staff are our highest priority. We want school to start On Site & in Person & do so safely will require masks. Check website regularly for details. #GoEagles!
USD 331 Virtual Eagle confers another high school diploma this afternoon. We are proud of Anthony and wish him all the best as he begins the next chapter of his education. #GoEagles
USD 331 Virtual Eagle- Mrs.Clark’s Diploma presentation COVID-Style. We work with our students & meet you where you are - Even in Wichita to proudly deliver your high school diploma. Congratulations Bill!! #GoEagles
Nice small ceremony for another USD 331 Virtual Eagle 2020 graduate this afternoon. Congratulations & best wishes in this next chapter at HCC! #GoEagles
Having an awesome 1st Day with new teachers to USD 331 Kingman-Norwich!!
USD 331 Schools in both Kingman & Norwich have opened our Online Enrollment. Please go in and complete your student(s) enrollments at your earliest opportunity. ALL enrollment will be completed in the convenience of your own home. You will be asked to tell us what instructional model you plan to start with for your kid(s). On Site (traditional in-person with social distancing and safety measures followed) or our Rigorous Remote Model.
6-12th graders also have our Virtual Eagle model.
We wanted to let everyone know that the classroom supply lists are now posted on the district website for grades PreK - 8. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you
USD 331 Board of Education Announces First Day of School for 2020-21. Go to our website for more information in the "NEWS" section on bottom of page.
Check our website regularly for updates on planning & preparation for the 2020-21 school year. Be assured, we WILL be having school this year. We will have in-person as well as remote/virtual options. USD 331 has had our own Virtual School for many years. The difference between ours and the ones you see advertised on television is that we don’t market to the entire state. We created our virtual school to fill a need for OUR kids and they are who we focus on. The ones on TV are in it to make money. Your virtual school, USD 331 Virtual Eagle, exists to serve our kids. We do accept students from neighboring districts with special circumstances but we do not market & recruit. If YOU are a 331 parent & are considering a virtual route, we can meet that need. We use the same curricular software platforms as many that you see on advertisements. We provide the computer, we have the teachers. Our difference is- you know our teachers because they live & work in our communities.
Parents of USD 331 students: We emailed you a survey on Wednesday asking you to share your thoughts on returning to school. We value & need your opinions. The survey is also posted to Skyward Family Access. Please complete it one time.
Eagle Alumni most recent members. Class of 2020 Kingman High School. #331EaglePride
We know everyone is anxious to learn details on what school is "going to look like" next month. Student & Staff SAFETY is #1 priority. Our Goal is to have all kids attending in-person. We will send a survey to parents soon to gather thoughts & concerns. We will share many more details beginning next week & regularly from then on. Thanks for patience, support & confidence. #inthistogether #331EaglePride
Kingman High Graduation is at 9:30 tomorrow morning. It will be recorded & posted on our webpage after the ceremony. It will also be streamed live on the NFHSAA channel.
EAGLES Graduation Tomorrow!! KHS at 9:30 a.m.; NHS at 7:00 p.m. Please practice safety & socially distance. We have chairs on the football fields spaced but grouped in 2's
You need to distance in bleachers, too. If you want to sit in car, ceremony will be broadcast on 87.9 FM
Graduation for both Kingman High and Norwich High is still scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 11 for the Class of 2020 to walk across the stage!! KHS at 9:30 a.m. & NHS at 7:00 p.m. Specific details will be coming in email to seniors.
USD 331 Superintendent Qualities Survey
Please take a few minutes and review and share your thoughts on qualities and traits our superintendent should possess. Survey link: